How Does a Permanent Magnet For Servo Motor Operate?.
ST Magnetic

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How Does a Permanent Magnet For Servo Motor Operate?

Permanent Magnet For Servo Motor are used in many motion control applications because they offer excellent torque/size and power/size ratios. They also provide low inertia, which can significantly reduce the system response time and improve motion stability. In addition, they require no field coils and do not generate back-emf voltage. These benefits make these servo motors very energy efficient. However, as with any motor, there are some things you should keep in mind when using them. One important factor is the temperature of the motor, which can have a significant impact on the performance of the permanent magnets. If the temperature of the magnets exceeds a certain limit, they will start to lose their magnetic strength. This can cause the copper wire windings in the rotor to break and lead to an expensive repair bill. Another potential problem is the fact that if the magnets are exposed to moisture or chemical solvents for extended periods of time, they can become demagnetized. This can result in the rotor stopping and causing damage to equipment.
The basic theory of operation of a permanent-magnet motor revolves around the principle that like poles repel and opposite ones attract. This is why a permanent-magnet motor has no need for an external field coil, and instead uses a stationary electromagnet that surrounds the rotor. This electromagnet consists of steel plates called laminations that are bonded together and have “teeth” that allow a copper wire to be wound around them.
In a PM motor, the electric current passes from the power supply to the rotor through the stator coils and the armature windings. The armature windings are configured so that the N-pole and S-pole of each magnet alternately face towards the armature. This configuration creates a magnetic field that can interact with the stator magnets to produce reluctance torque and shaft position feedback.
Depending on the injection angle, the motor can produce both magnetic and reluctance torques. Magnetic torque is maximized when the stator field excites the rotor at 90 electrical degrees from the main flux axis (d axis), while reluctance torque is maximized 45 electrical degrees past the q axis.
In order for a permanent-magnet motor to achieve its maximum torque-speed capability, it must be matched with a precise motion amplifier/servo. This matched set is typically fine-tuned by the manufacturer to reach optimum performance. This process involves a series of electromagnetic circuit modeling and parameter optimizations to find the design that best meets the technical spec for the motor. These designs are then tested in a simulator or FEA to verify they meet the specified torque-speed characteristics and performance. During this phase, it is crucial to ensure that the design meets the required mechanical and thermal parameters. A faulty design can compromise these parameters and lead to problems with the performance of the motor.