A Neodymium magnet.
ST Magnetic

Professional and reliable supplier of customized magnets

A Neodymium magnet

A Neodymium magnet is one of the strongest magnets in existence. Its strength comes from a combination of its pure metal properties (ferromagnetic at low temperatures) and its alloy with other elements such as nitrogen, iron, and cobalt. These combinations make it possible to produce a magnetic material without the need for expensive rare earth metals like gadolinium, dysprosium, and terbium.
Neodymium magnets are the strongest permanent magnets created so far. They are used in a variety of industrial applications, such as in motors and sensors. These magnets are also commonly used in medical devices, consumer electronics, and office equipment such as computer monitors and CRT televisions. Neodymium magnets can be quite dangerous when mishandled. They create strong magnetic fields that can damage electronic devices and even cause injury. If not handled properly, these powerful magnets can be attracted to each other resulting in severe injuries such as cuts and lacerations or even broken bones. The magnetic fields produced by neodymium magnets can also interfere with implanted medical devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators, as well as damage magnetic media such as floppy disks, credit cards, and magnetic ID cards. These magnets can also damage some older electronic devices, such as VCRs and cassette tapes, as well as interfere with internal compasses on smartphones and GPS units.
The neodymium iron boron alloy has an unusual crystal structure that allows it to be made into extremely strong magnets. The alloy is typically ground into a very fine powder and then processed to form the desired shapes. This process is usually done in an oxygen free atmosphere since the powder is very susceptible to oxidation which will ruin its magnetism. The finished magnets are typically coated with a nickel plating to improve their corrosion resistance and aesthetic appearance.
Neodymium is very expensive to acquire in its pure form, so the magnets are generally produced in small quantities in order to maintain profitability. They are often used in high volume products such as loudspeakers and headphones, but can be found in a wide variety of other consumer goods and industrial applications.
Due to their very brittle nature, neodymium magnets must be carefully handled to prevent serious injuries. Unless they are protected, they can shatter and cause painful injuries, such as pinched fingers or shattered glass. In addition, neodymium magnets are very hazardous to children as they can stick together and damage the intestinal walls of a child, resulting in severe internal injury or even death. For these reasons, they should never be allowed near small children.